Monday, September 17, 2007


Hi guys!

I went to Tallinn for the week end. Let me tell you some things about that city!
So the first thing you have to know is that the Euro is not the official currency is that country. Actually it is the Estonian kroon. So I had to change euros against kroons... Just to give you an idea of the change rate : I payed 32.90€ and got 500 EEK. This is about 15 kroons for 1€.

Life here is pretty cheap. You eat very well for 5 or 6 €. I paid 20€ for 2 nights, you pay a 24 can beer box about 9€, a carton of Malboro costs 16€... So there are lots of things which are interesting to buy . Unfortunately, I tried to buy warm clothes for the winter, but concerning clothes, it was not that interesting...So I bought nothing!
Tallinn is a really nice city. Actually you must distinguish the city center and the rest of the city.
The city center is very very rich...and the suburb very very poor. I have never seen so many expensive cars in a city center before coming in Tallinn. I saw one S5 of Audi, one S8 of Audi, one A5 of Audi, 3 Mazzerati, 3 Cayenne Porsche, 2 Ferrari, 1 CarreraS4 Porsche... It was unbelievable to see that in Estonia...
The city center is very tradional. It is a former medieval city. Nevertheless we can see the influence of Russia and Sweden in the architecture especially for the churches.

Girls in Estonia are sweet... I love them !