You should really take a look at that video!
So here we are, I had told many of you that when I am abroad, I will go to GYM sessions... I have decided to start today and I will try to go there as often as I can.
The only thing I can tell you is that I just hate all the exercises you have to do to bodybuild... but I guess I will have to do them if I wanna see changes in my body shape!
c'etait aussi le jour de lagrande humiliation de l'OMerde dans son stade vélodrome qui s'est pris 2 buts de Nice sans réussir à en marquer un seul... t'as interet de poster ce message en entier sinon je pot plus jamais...;-)
I bet 1000$ you ain't gonna go running outside - like in this masterpiece video ;-P - for more than 3 months ! 'Cause if it's 7°C in August, you can imagine how fucking cold it's gonna be in November... HUM...
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