Friday, August 31, 2007

My 1st sauna party!

Martin & I have just arrived that we are " forced "to go to the sauna!


Martin and Ali (Turkish guy)

The changing-room of the sauna

I'm much more tanned than the others!

After the sauna, the guys drunk beers...come on beer is just disgusted!

Thanks a lot JEEESSSSSUUUUSSSSS-CHHHHRRRIIIIISSSSST for that "sauna experience"!

Hi everybody!
well I could not go to Finland without trying what is called here "sauna party"! The principle is very easy : boys and girls meet themselves as mother nature made them, which means naked, in a sauna. Drinks are allowed to be brought in the sauna... so some people drink beer, vodka or any other alcoholic drinks!
How could I describe the atmosphere in tha sauna? well I'd say it is pretty hot in here ( of course it is hot in here 'cause the temperature is about 60°C ) but hot in the way that people sing, laugh and drink. Actually that's not at all like in France where nobody speaks in a sauna! In Finland there is lots of noise and it's much more friendly!
If you are too hot in the sauna, you can go out and have a shower so that you feel better. And after that you go back into the sauna! That's what I did quite many times actually 'cause it was too hard for me to stay there more than 10 minutes ! You can also go outside completely naked or with a towel around your waist. The temperature difference makes your heart pump very very fast! But trust me when I say that after that you feel very well, actually much better than if you had not done it!
As I told you , the temperature in the sauna was about 60°C. Actually it's quite a low temperature for a Finnish sauna. Pasi ( the one who looks like JEEEEEESSSSSSSUUUUUUUSSSSSS- CHHHHRRRRRIIIIIISSSSSSSTTTTTTT ) told me the average temperature for a sauna is about 80°C. Pasi already went to a sauna where the temperature was 120°C but it was really too hot for him...I do not even wanna think of what it would have been for me... I would have died for sure!
Above are some photos of this sauna party! Take a look at them!
Bonnie all these JEEEEESSSSSSUUUUSSSSS-CHHHRRRIIISSSSSTTTT were for u !! Take care of you girl...

1 comment:

yéyé said...

mais elles sont ou les filles dont tu parles dans l article ?
PS: il est enorme ton jésus lol